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Debunking Misinformation | Co-founder and Editor @AltNews | Software Engineer | E-mail: | Insta: f_reethinker

Jul 21, 2021, 8 tweets


Do listen to this 41 second clip, and I'll try and answer a few questions that were raised by @bhupendrachaube in his conversation with @MichaelKugelman.


Chaube: I searched Twitter, could not find a handle called Amnesty Forensics Department or Amnesty Forensics Lab.

Yes, because the handle is called @AmnestyTech, and has been around since 2016. [I can give a quick tutorial to folks at India Ahead as to how to use Google.]


Chaube: How has all of this suddenly appeared?

No, it hasn't suddenly appeared. Amnesty has published previous stories detailing how NSO+Pegasus has been used against human rights defenders. This is a story from 2019.…


Chaube: Do we take all the claims of Amnesty on face value?

No, no one should. Chaube could opt for a pay cut and hire an expert and attempt to understand what the investigation is about.

In the next few tweets, I'll try and provide a gist of it.


The methodology of the investigation has been documented at the following link by Amnesty:…

The investigation has been peer-reviewed by Citizen Lab of University of Toronto.…


Amnesty's methodology, among other things, details how iPhone's iMessage app was exploited through zero-click attacks. That Amnesty's findings are sound is further validated by Apple's statement where they accept that their phones were indeed hacked.…


The Amnesty methodology documents more such attack vectors, beyond the iMessage exploit. A suspicious process called 'bh' is a prominent part of this investigation. The same was found by security firm Lookout and Citizen Lab.


The least Indian media could do is make a credible effort to cross-check the findings and get technical experts to talk about the technical parts of this investigation.


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