Andy Arthur 🐣 Threadinburgh 🧵 Profile picture
Overlooked stories of Edinburgh, Leith & Scottish local history. Expect the unexpected: people, buildings, transport, maps & occasional attempts to be funny

Jul 21, 2021, 14 tweets

I saw a tweet yesterday about how an SUV was "as big as a Sherman tank", and I wasn't sure it was, so I decided to find out. The answer is "not quite. But getting there".

What about is a Wankpanzer as big as a Panzer? Again, "not quite, but getting there".

And what about the best of British? Once more, not quite but nearly.

Our entirely unscientific comparison shows these 3 popular SUVs are about 90% of the length, 80% of the width and 70% of the height and footprint of a common mid-war, mid-range, WW2 tank.

For giggles, here is the answer to that chinscratcher "is my Mini as big as a WW2 tank". Pick the right tank and the answer is "yes, yes it is as big as a WW2 tank".

And for TankTwitter who felt that I may have unfairly and deliberately picked smaller tanks - I didn't, as I've said a number of times I picked tanks akin to the Sherman in size. Here's a whole heap more common, mid-range WW2 tanks, there's not a huge variety of size.

The T-34 and the Panther (effectively a German attempt to copy it) were a bit on the bigger side, and they could also kick the butt of everything else on that list more or less as they were a step change in development.

And just for "do a Japanese one" Twitter, let's see just how small that "hybrid" really is.

And just in case you think I'm unfairly treating the motor industry on this car / military comparison, I'm not the one who markets vehicles such as the Defender, Grenadeir, Shogun, Barbarian, Ranger, Warrior, Lancer etc.

Is my pickup as big as an M1 Abrams main battle tank? Not quite, but almost...

The best selling car in the UK in 2021 is the Vauxhall Corsa. The motor industry calls this class of car a "Supermini". So let's play "is your Supermini as large as a WW2 tank?"
Not quite.
But almost.

For fairness, lets see how the planet-saving full electric version measures up.

Ah but I don't have a supermini, I have an Italian, A-segement city car, the smallest of all car classes, the titular heir to the Little Mouse. Surely my car can't be as large as a WW2 tank? No?
The Italians have you covered.

And just for @SH_brews, "is my cargobike as big as a WW2 tank?"
Well, not a tank but I think the Universal Carrier is a close analogy to a cargo bike...
And no, no it's not.

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