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Jul 21, 2021, 6 tweets

Men's clubs that decide for everybody? Only 2.04% of State Bar Council representatives across India are women

write @Areebuddin14 and @SuryamShagun

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Speaking on the issue, Senior Advocate Indira Jaising said:

"There is still a ruling ideology that a woman’s place is in the home and not at the workplace. When they do venture out, they confront rampant sexual harassment from their supervisors or seniors."


Senior Advocate Rebecca John says,

"Even bar associations are so male dominated, and these are little male clubs which decide for everybody."


Giving a perspective from the Bench, former Allahabad High Court Chief Justice Govind Mathur said,

"I think the Bar at every level failed to provide a reasonable atmosphere for women to sustain in the profession."

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Out of a total of 441 representatives of the above mentioned Bar Councils, only 9 are women.

The representation of women in the Bar Council of India is non-existent.

Out of twenty members, there is not even a single elected member who is a woman.


Commenting on the issues, Senior Advocate, Jayna Kothari @jaynakothari says:

"There should be some measures taken including reservation of some seats, so that women members can be represented."


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