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Jul 21, 2021, 5 tweets

At least 25 people have died in China's flood-stricken central province of Henan, 12 of them in a subway line in its capital that was drenched by what weather officials called the heaviest rains in a thousand years 1/5

About 100,000 people have been evacuated in Zhengzhou, the capital, where rail and road transport have been disrupted, while dams and reservoirs have swelled to warning levels 2/5

More than 500 people were pulled to safety from the flooded subway, authorities said, as social media images showed train commuters immersed in chest-deep waters in the dark and one station reduced to a large brown pool 3/5

More rain is forecast across Henan for the next three days, and the People's Liberation Army has sent more than 5,700 soldiers and personnel to help with search and rescue 4/5

The three days of rain matched a level seen only 'once in a thousand years,' the Zhengzhou weather bureau said.

Like recent heatwaves in the U.S and Canada, extreme flooding seen in Europe, the rainfall in China links to global warming, scientists say 5/5

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