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Jul 21, 2021, 7 tweets

Examples of climate change are wreaking havoc all over the world right now.

From torrential downpours to floods and wildfires, extreme weather is bearing down on regions across the globe.

In Asia, China has experienced torrential downpours which have triggered mass flooding.

India has experienced deadly mudslides.

In Europe, Germany has experienced flooding which has flattened entire communities.
England experienced a downpour that drastically halted the country.

Wildfires continue to wreak havoc on America’s West Coast in states such as California and Oregon and unfortunately they are growing in size.

For years, climate change scientists and professors have predicted that this will be our new norm.

Although cities have begun to change their infrastructure to suit the rapidly worsening climates, they aren’t able to keep it.

Read more about how climate change is impacting the world from @dhpierson , @aliceysu, @mollyhf at

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