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Landscape oil painter Roanna Carleton-Taylor. Painting UK landmarks. Selling prints on my website and my Etsy…

Jul 21, 2021, 15 tweets

Canal Gardens in progress

Roanna Carleton Taylor (thread)

After the initial sketch I do an underpainting with thinned paint. I'm not bothered about colour at this stage, just placement.

Once I've done the underpainting I start to think about values and which will be the darker/lighter parts of the painting

Then I start to think about block colour.

Here I'm adding darker tones and low lights as a base for the painting

Thenn I start to add some of the highlights. Oil paint works dark to light unlike watercolour which works light to dark

Starting to build up some of the background detail

Adding some texture and shape to the blocked sections

Playing around with things here. Changed the shape of the water a few times

Added in background colour

Adding in top level detail here like the fountain in the water

Changing shapes and adding texture to block areas of colour

Finishing off final details and checking shadows and shade

The finished painting

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