Fareeha Waheed Profile picture
Busy dismantling the racial wealth gap society created. Educator & equity enthusiast in Baltimore city l Doctoral Candidate @JohnsHopkins | VP @BTUBaltimore.

Jul 22, 2021, 12 tweets

Can we just ##FreeKeithDavisJr already? A thread.

Every time I think about this case & Keith and his family, I get so mad thinking about the lack of justice in our justice system. Here’s how you can help.

1) Go to keithdavisjr.com and share this story with friends and family. There are actions you can take there.

2) Follow Keith’s wife @50shadesofKellz to track the story. She’s been tirelessly working for over 5 years to get justice.

3) Campaigns like this are expensive! Consider donating for the #FreeKeithDavisJr door knocking campaign. Venmo: @KDJLove0725

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