Cat Ellen * Global Vaccines for Global Pandemics Profile picture (follow requests need approval) Yarn Spinner, Weaver, Singer, Effervescent (she/her) 🏳️‍🌈

Jul 22, 2021, 9 tweets

Thread: I want to tell you a story about someone marvelous.

This photo is from Festival of the Rose, August 12, 2017 -- Kirsten / Zhivana learned to spin on a drop spindle from me a month previously. 1/

2/. It was the first time I got to teach a young mom with a young toddler to spin... And we got to quickly use, "Drop the spinning, grab the baby" all afternoon between lessons.

3/ That was only a story of theory in all my previous years teaching. And it made us both gleeful all day to actually use that in practice as she would scoop up Finn, keeping him out of the way of swords and rapier fighters.

4/ A month later, she learned to ply on her spindle, 2-ply from the ends on singles spin on a single spindle. We made a center pull bracelet and she plied off her wrist.

5/ I am just out of frame, sitting at that spinning wheel, coaching and encouraging her all day. She did wonderfully and plied all 5 mini skeins that had been wound off as singles on to cardboard tubes, showing all her progress for the month.

6/ I was truly honored to have her in my life and will never forget her enthusiasm, kindness, and joy in life. I hold her husband and son in my heart now, for I can not but grieve at our collective loss. Her memory will always be a blessing.

7/ It's always hard to lose someone. Doubly so if it happens suddenly. Triply so if they are young.

/8 But Kirsten was more than a friend, a student, a mom, a spinner, a wife, a housemate... She was really one of those inspirations, someone to emulate.

/9 My life was richer for sharing it briefly with her.

And I hope your lives are similarly enriched by treasured loved ones.

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