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Jul 22, 2021, 22 tweets

You did what you thought was right. You were told it was protecting those you loved. You did the honourable thing.

It's clear they hoodwinked us. Examine the data and you'll see. Look at the social credit system they have planned for us. Look at the food shortages now. Look at what these proprietary drug treatments are doing. Look at their aggressiveness to those who dissent.

Examine how we respond to each other now? "I'm scared of you","I'm going to isolate","disinfect all the things". Many have much bigger mental hangups. The years it will take to get over these psychological mechanisms to get us to obey are going to stay with us.

They told us masks didn't work. There was lots of science to support this. Then they told us masks did work. The science changed very quickly. Many of the old scholarly articles were removed. We listened to the "new light" science.

They told us to shun each other. To hide away. To be fearful of each other. To not trust those we lived with. Everyone was a potentially infectious vector of transmission. The only people you can trust are your government.

We locked down, over and over and over. Lockdowns will be with us both mentally and in terms of damage to the economy for many years to come. The effectiveness of lockdowns is at best questionable, at worst devestating.

Even those I perceived as inspirational scientists and many critical thinkers lapped this up. So many people got sucked in. They had their reasons. Thankfully many great scientists and thinkers didn't. I discovered many new friends and critical thinkers.

Social media became a battle ground. Those questioning were sidelined and deplatformed. Bans and censorship became commonplace while government employed teams, military and civilian to condition our thoughts and make us more pliable the constant barrage of dodgy propaganda.

The NHS is screwed. We thought we were saving it and we are left with over 11 million on the waiting lists. We have made it a lot worse.

Look at the data. Look at the average 5 year deaths in the UK compared with the data over the last year. Examine that ONS data. See how many weeks have been below the average weekly deaths. It's eye opening.

Check out the testing, PCR, LFT's the huge number of inconsistencies, failures, dodgy political high value contract awards and bad science surrounding this house of cards.

Check out Midazolam in care homes along with NDR's.

Lookup the generic low cost drug Ivermectin. Check out the other treatments they used and discarded in favour of a billion dollar drug discovery program to vaccinate all of us including our children for an illness that very few are symptomatic for.

Checkout the contract situation, billions of £/$ awarded to companies with questionable safety records to supply us will all manner of covid19 apps, PPE, drugs, nightingale hospitals and many more dodgy money spinners.

And now we have vaccine passports. A two tier society based upon a private medical procedure. No work for the unvaxxed. No fun. No access to infrastructure. There are many who think this is a great idea but luckily most of us don't.

All through this the BBC and mainstream news sources have shamefully been spreading misinformation and fear mongering. Recently they featured at least 3 proven crisis actors suffering as covid19 patients in their hospital beds in interviews.

Our children's education ruined for over a year.

The pingdemic is causing supply lines to break down. We are running out of food. People told to isolate at many companies around the UK even though never coming into contact with anyone infectious. Key services struggle to function because of a dodgy Austrian application.

None of this is a conspiracy. It's just business as usual. The ebb and flow of commerce. Don't take my word for any of this. Find out for yourself.

Finally remember. You are all heroes. You don't have to follow the crowd. You have a voice despite the fear of stigma. You can speak out just like many scientists have done in the past to prove their theories. "Those who want you to stay quiet are never your friends."

I forgot to add, checkout the vaers system and yellow card system to check out how many adverse reactions there are to the new therapeutic proprietary drug treatments... How could I forget that?

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