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Jul 22, 2021, 14 tweets

AR20-21 Notes

Praj Industries

India’s Leader in Bio-Fuel Technology

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1/ Current Achievements

2/ Chairman’s Message

~Ethanol Demand to rise from Govt push for 20% ethanol blending by 2025
~Launched BioPrism tech portfolio for producing bio-based Renewable Materials
~Identified growth areas like Bioplastics, Lignin products, specialty
chemicals, & others

3/ CEO & MD’s Note

~Praj continues to dominate the bioenergy sector in India
~Engg Business saw good unique opportunities
~Delivered Solutions as part of critical vaccine supply chain

4/ Technologies introduced under Biomobility Platform in FY21 provided

~Reduced water requirement
~Enhanced plant capacity
~Increased ethanol yield
~Reduction in emissions
~Pharma Grade Ethanol
~Production of Compressed Biogas from agri-residues and pressmud

5/ Bio-Prism Platform & Lignin Valorization

6/ R&D & Award Highlights

~Gained 5 Indian & 6 Foreign Patents in FY21
~Bagged awards for innovation and waste management

7/ Business Highlights

1st Gen Ethanol Domestic:
~Govt push to create opportunity for new 10 bn liters PA capacity
~Good traction for B-heavy molasses and sugar syrup based ethanol plants
1st Gen Ethanol International
~Traction for Pharma grade Ethanol
~Demand up for biofuels

8/ Business Highlights Contd

2nd Gen Ethanol
~Has 3 orders for advanced biofuel refineries in India
~Expect demand from North Europe

Compressed BioGas
~Expecting setup of 5000 CBG plants in next 5 years

~Developed process for making Isobutanol
~Scaling up SAF in India

9/ Business Highlights Contd

~CPES got orders from a US-based Industrial Gases Company
~Slowdown in domestic Brewery Segment
~Got repeat orders for Zero Liquid Discharge Solutions
~HiPurity to see demand rise from pharma & personal care segments

10/ R&D Developments

~Joined with Institute Of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (ICT) for process development and reactor design research
~Produced breakthrough in making “Bio-bitumen” based on Lignin
~Filed for over 300 patents to date

11/ Outlook for the Future

~Ethanol demand to rise for blending
~CBG opportunity to rise
~Bioenergy to become mainstream due to focus on sustainability

12/ Financials
~Consolidated Balance Sheet
~Consolidated P&L Statement
~Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

13/ End 🙂🙏

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