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Debunking Misinformation | Co-founder and Editor @AltNews | Software Engineer | E-mail: | Insta: f_reethinker

Jul 22, 2021, 9 tweets

Truth vs Fiction - A thread


What is the definition of backtracking?

To withdraw from an undertaking, position.


What did Amnesty claim when the story was first released?

Amnesty has access to over 50k phone numbers of people of interest by clients of spyware company NSO.


What is Amnesty claiming now?

"Data is irrefutably linked to potential targets of NSO Group's Pegasus spyware."


Did Amnesty claim that the list was of people who were hacked? No.

Amnesty claimed that this was a list of people who were of interest to the clients of NSO. Forensic analysis of a selection of phones on the list has either shown Pegasus infection or attempts to hack.


How did the list come about?

According to Forbidden Stories founder Laurent Richard (@laurentrichard0), the numbers were entered by NSO's customers into NSO's system. (Listen from 0:56).


How did Forbidden stories describe the list since Day 1?

"A leak of more than 50,000 phone numbers selected for surveillance by the customers of NSO group."


So what's the list of 50k numbers about again? Has there been any backtracking?

There has been no backtracking. Since Day 1 of this story, the list has never been claimed of those who were hacked, but of those who were of interest to NSO's clients.


Driven by media propaganda, BJP is now claiming that everything is fake.

The only truth here is that people's phones were indeed hacked, and this included Indian journalists and activists whose phone numbers were on the leaked list, and BJP is lying.


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