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Jul 22, 2021, 9 tweets

CSS selector


final part

attribute selector

this selector is used to select specific parts of an Html element or specific attribute.

01. [attr] Selector

Represents elements with an attribute-name of attr This type of attribute selector is used to select all the elements that have the specified attribute and applies the CSS property to that attribute.

02. [attr=value]

Represents elements with an attribute-name of attr.

This selector is used to select all the elements whose attribute has the value exactly the same as the specified value.

03. [attr~=value]

Represents elements with an attribute-name of attr whose value is a whitespace-separated list of words, one of which is the exact value.

04. [attr|=value]

Represents elements with an attribute-name of attr whose value can be exactly value or can begin with value immediately followed by a hyphen, - (U+002D). It is often used for language subcode matches.

05. [attr^=value]

Represents elements with an attribute-name of attr whose value is prefixed (preceded) by value.

06. [attr$=value]

Represents elements with an attribute-name of attr whose value is suffixed (followed) by value.

07. [attr*=value]

Represents elements with an attribute-name of attr whose value contains at least one occurrence of value within the string

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