巴丢草 Bad ї ucao Profile picture
Chinese Australian artist/Award wining cartoonist for @theage @smh /Human rights Activist/DM for signed print & original art /New Book https://t.co/O7ZmTytF6D

Jul 22, 2021, 9 tweets

1. Video from 京广隧道 JingGuang tunnel , Zhengzhou.
Many cars trapped inside.
Bodies can b seen carried out from there
Media r not allowed to enter
We dont know how many lost life there and who they are.
Or Why the tunnel not shut down when flood coming?!

2. Moment when the flood was rushing to the Jingguang tunnel.
by the time people seems not paniced or intended to leave.
Looks like there is no warning from gov or traffic department at all.
The tunnel was completely flooded later.


3. video filmed after the tunnel was completely flooded.
Someone swimming out from cars and bravely rescuing others who were drowning around their cars.
Just heartbreaking!

please ignore the music

4. Aftermath of the flood
messive piles of cars, impossible to comprehend or imagine how bad the situation inside.

5. ❗️graphic ❗️
Video showing a drowning victim trapped in the car from the tunnel.
Voice are saying I can see the head.


6.. some crazy apocalyptic footage showig the view of the tunnel when flood passed in the tunnel area.

7. police started to stop people from approaching to the tunnel since it became a huge focus from public concern.
Many worried the government was hiding the real death toll for “society stability”

8. video showing residents from Zhengzhou stayed late at night to witness the operation in the tunnel.
Many are filming as you can see.

9. another video merged showing police forbidden people approaching to the tunnel.
A lot of them are victim families who want to search for their beloved life or dead.

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