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Jul 23, 2021, 6 tweets

Dear reader, I have just completed as near to a true kaiseki dining experience as is possible outside Japan. Every single plate was handmade by the chef, who would be gravely insulted were his food to be served on another’s pottery.

For the final sake pairing, we selected our own glass, which unbeknownst to us would be wrapped and presented as a gift after dinner.

I suppose the chef got bored making the sushi because we were also given our own brushes to finish with house made soy sauce, which was so good I literally took a sip of it.

They didn’t even give a bill at any point, just presented the tray for the card and then returned the card in a little blank envelope. “It has been emailed to you”, that’s a yikes from me.

Anyways that was a wonderful way to spend four hours, now I need to eat dinner I’m fucking starving

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