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Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Jul 23, 2021, 6 tweets

At a night shift briefing for the firefighters about to go out to fight the bootleg fire in zone 1

“They kept the monster in the cage all day”

Unlike previous days, the weather has been cooperating and allowing crews to make headway at containing the fire

“We have 9 confirmed cases of corona virus” says the health officer

Encourages firefighters to sanitize their vehicles, wash their hands, and kept social distancing

“You can’t fight the fire if your feeling sick”

“We do not have COVID in camp right now. The people who tested positive are isolated”

9 COVID cases among the firefighters

“Starting tomorrow, you have to wear masks in camp.”

After a COVID outbreak, Firefighters are returning to 2020 COVID protocol, including mandatory masks.

Night shift is rolling out to fight the fire

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