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Bibliophile 📖 and Francophile 🇫🇷. The history of writing and of the book - across ALL cultures. The idiosyncrasies of rural French life in Gascony.

Jul 23, 2021, 6 tweets

Taschen's new "Hokusai: Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji" is expensive - €125 - but for what it is, absolutely outstanding value for money. Printed in an edition of 6000 copies, it uses state of the art printing and stunning book design to pay tribute to Hokusai's masterpiece. 1/

Even the shipping box is beautifully designed. Inside is a very large chitsu case with wonderful irridescent printing, reminiscent of the mica printing found in old deluxe Japanese printed books. Inside that is the oversized book itself, stitched Japanese style. 2/

The book gathers the finest impressions of Hokusai's woodblocks from institutions worldwide, and carefully reproduces them all, with the complete set of 36 large images alongside 114 color variations. 3/

Here are some photos of my own copy, which arrived at the Incunabula library this morning. This is a thrilling book, one of the most impressive Taschen editions I've seen. 4/

A few more photos- the first one shows the inside of the chitsu case - and a link to the Taschen website. 5/…

Photos don't do full justice to the impression this book makes in real life - the shimmering, iridescent quality of the printing in particular is really remarkable. @TASCHEN have outdone themselves. 6/

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