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Bret Lynn: "So we'll give the FBI a shot" "So I sat down and put all the...into a document and I'm like 'here you go FBI'"

Jul 23, 2021, 22 tweets

1. Meet Identity Dixie member Lee Chappell of Dinwiddle County, VA. He owns Chappell Landscapes LLC and is a gigantic racist piece of shit.

2. Lee Chappell joined Identity Dixie in November 2017, which is 3 months after they marched with literal Nazis at the UniteTheRight white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA.

3. Lee owns a landscaping business in Dinwiddle County, VA. You can find his business across several platforms. His reviews are currently pretty good.

4. Lee Chappell also does DJing on the side because el oh el why not.

5. Lee openly shares Identity content on his Facebook page.

6. Lee shares racist content, which is liked by Identity Dixie members like Jim O'Brien's wife Candi O'Brien, Alex Marlatt aka John Ripke, and Dennis Durham.

7. Identity Dixie member who lost her job last year for being a racist piece of shit Jasmine Moriaz also enjoys the racist content.

8. Lee isn't exactly subtle in his hate for African-Americans.

9. On January 6th Lee also fantasized about BLM and Antifa being murdered.

10. Lee Chappell also attended the 2019 Blood in the Water: Bathsalt Bonanza meetup in St. Augustine, FL for Identity Dixie members.

11. Lee was informed of the attire requirements for Florida events. It's a joke. Kind of.

12. Lee does apparently possess an Identity Dixie branded shirt.

13. Although disappointed by the lack of gator fucking, Lee attened the event anyway. What a trooper.

14. Lee finds it funny that Identity Dixie started a "Rebel Yell" in a slave market and the brown people didn't get how fucking racist Lee and his fellow hate group members were being.


Thanks for posting that photo Lee!

16. Lucas Gordon and Tyler Thompson are on the far right. The sole lady is Patricia Marie Krones. She's a story for another time, but it's a good one.

17. Lee also posted a photo of Harold Sloke, who was outted last year.

18. They all dressed up for going out on the town. Lee calls people who weren't part of their hate group "fascinating species" as you're surely unsurprised to learn.

19. Lee makes his own moonshine, which is very illegal in Virginia but I won't begrudge him that. He also apparently transported it across 3 state lines.

20. Lee Chappell: hate group member and fart truster.

21. As we end this, please consider finding "Chappell Landscapes" in Virginia and let potential customers know that their payments would go to a hate group member.

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