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Jul 24, 2021, 11 tweets

They’ll likely rewrite this but here’s the hitman Nikolas hired to shoot Hayden #GH

Here’s Liz telling Laura that she suspects Nikolas had Hayden shot. She says earlier she began to suspect it was him weeks ago but couldn’t find that clip #GH

Few days later Elizabeth finally asks Nikolas for confirmation and he gives it to her. He tells her he was the one who ordered the hit on Hayden #GH

Unfortunately I couldn’t find the clips of when Curtis finds out it was Nikolas not Shawn who shot Hayden but they both confront him about his crime in April of 2016

While Curtis and Hayden confront him, Sam and “Jason” figure out Nikolas shot Hayden to keep ELQ #GH

Sam then immediately goes to Nikolas to tell him she knows what he did and she’s going to the cops #GH

I can’t find the scene of when hayden tells Finn that Nikolas shot her :( but Finn knows. And I think that’s everyone who knows

2 months after Elizabeth tells Laura she suspects it was Nikolas who got Hayden shot Laura finally confronts her son #GH

Laura tells Nikolas it was Elizabeth who told her that he shot Hayden. Nikolas goes on the defensive. Hayden, who’s still suffering from memory loss, overhears everything. #GH

I found the scenes where Curtis figures out Nikolas shot Hayden and that she knows it was Nik! This is around 3 months after she hired him to look into her shooting and about a month after he confirmed to her it wasn’t Shawn #GH

I found the clip! On the night of the blackout at #GH, Hayden convinces Finn she didn’t push Elizabeth down the stairs to keep her quiet by revealing the shooting blackmail she has on Liz.

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