MISI: Solidariti Profile picture
A youth-led collective aspiring to empower society through the value of direct action in Malaysian activism.

Jul 24, 2021, 8 tweets

Happening across Malaysia right now!

Stay safe. Pay mind to the rules and call the number given for legal aid if you’re being reprimanded or held by the authorities.

Join t.me/LawanMsia for instant updates for everything #Lawan

Convoy update thread 👇🏽

#KonvoiLawan Kuala Lumpur

If you’re recording / taking pictures of the convoy, remember to blank out the vehicle number plates! #KonvoiLawan

“KONVOI #LAWAN Kuching juga telah bermula 🏴🚙” via t.me/LawanMsia

“Konvoi KL akan melalui LRT Bangsar 🚘 🏴” via t.me/LawanMsia


“Jumpa di Dataran 🏴” via t.me/LawanMsia

“Terima kasih warga KL! 🏴 terus #LAWAN” via t.me/LawanMsia

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