Gurleen Kaur, MD Profile picture
Cardiology Fellow @BrighamFellows via @BrighamMedRes & @AlbanyMed | Academy APD @CardioNerds

Jul 24, 2021, 12 tweets

1/ Great #ASPC2021 session by @dramitkhera on ACS in Patients with COVID-19

Follow this🧵on pts w/ COVID
🔷Prevention of ACS events
🔷Identification of ACS
🔷Management of ACS

@ASPCardio @CardioNerds

2/ 8 fold📈in AMI w/ COVID even in pts with no ASCVD/FH

Absolute risk for AMI📈in pts with ASCVD. Even higher for FH +ASCVD

Based on NHANES, 75% of US pop has risk factors (CKD, obesity, smoking, T2DM) for severe COVID


3/ 🌟Prevention of ACS🌟

🗝️Address barriers to medication adherence and access
🗝️Team-based approach
🗝️Regular physical activity and nutrition
🗝️Cardiac rehab
🗝️Utilize telehealth
🗝️Counsel on promptly reporting new symptoms


4/ During 1st wave, decline in ED visits for heart attack (23%) & stroke (20%)➡️delayed/deferred care➡️ repercussions including chronic & debilitating CVD

Study from NC, re-opening phase showed rebound in AMI & ADHF in urban & rural areas


5/🌟 Identification of ACS 🌟

Challenging due to overlapping symptoms & ST changes/troponin elevation also seen in COVID

1/3 of COVID pts had positive troponin from study at Mt. Sinai from earlier in pandemic
Troponin ➡️ prognostic marker


6/ Causes of Troponin Elevation related to COVID-19

♦️Thromboembolic complications

Also consider other non-direct CV causes leading to📈myocardial demand:
♦️Hypoxia (ARDS)


7/ Aside on vaccine associated myocarditis…rare

Case series showed:
🔸Usually young males
🔸mRNA vaccines
🔸3-7 day range
🔸Chest pain
🔸Markedly elevated troponin
🔸CMR – late gadolinium enhancement


8/ Pathophysiology of ACS
🔹⬆️ thrombosis
🔹Endothelial injury
🔹Cytokine storm
🔹Microvascular dysfunction

Outcomes of ACS in pts with COVID ➡️delay to admission & door to balloon time, higher cardiogenic shock & mortality


9/ NSTE-ACS & very high risk patient➡️cath

Risk stratification tool: POCUS
LV - Myocarditis, ACS, shock
RV - PE, cardiomyopathy
Other: Tamponade, valve disease

CCTA=⬆️neg predictive value in NSTEMI pts (VERDICT trial)


10/ Consider ACS risk features & COVID severity

Intermediate/Low risk➡️non-invasive tests (CCTA, CMR)
Poor prognosis➡️conserv. approach

No diff in thrombotic events/death w/ therapeutic AC vs. prophylactic in pts w/ high d-dimer (ACTION trial)

11/ Summary for ACS in COVID

🗝️Prevent ACS w/ aggressive risk factor management, encourage timely care, & VACCINATE!

🗝️ACS can be challenging diagnosis in this population: use POCUS early (think of alternate causes)


12/ More on cardiovascular implications of COVID-19 on @CardioNerds website:


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