Gurleen Kaur, MD Profile picture
Cardiology Fellow @BrighamFellows via @BrighamMedRes & @AlbanyMed | Academy APD @CardioNerds

Jul 24, 2021, 11 tweets

1/ #ASPC2021 Day 2 continues!

@DrMarthaGulati presents on Ischemic Heart Disease Without Obstructive Coronary Arteries (INOCA)

Follow this🧵on INOCA:
♦️Mechanisms of ischemia and diagnosis

@ASPCardio @CardioNerds

2/ Definition of INOCA: symptoms of ischemia in the absence of obstructive CAD or flow-limited disease

Check out this great infographic by @najahakhan, @CardioNerds Academy Fellow, on INOCA


3/ ✨Obstructive CAD is just one phenotype of IHD✨

INOCA – often normal LVEF, originally thought ischemia not present

But data shows elevated risk for cardiac events➡️poor outcomes

Guidelines haven’t caught up yet – focus on obstructive lesions


4/ GUSTO trial – over 30% of women had non-obstructive lesions in UA group.

ACC CathPCI registry (stable ischemic heart disease & ACS)➡️women more likely to have non-obstructive disease. And worse outcomes in women.


5/ WISE study - INOCA pts more likely to have CV events irrespective of risk factors

🔥INOCA is not benign🔥

♂️ obstructive CAD
♀️ microvascular disease, endothelial dysfunction

No obstructive CAD➡️can be more diffuse atherosclerosis, vasospasm, etc


6/ Mechanisms of ischemia
Myocardial bridging, metabolic, systemic inflammation, metabolic abnormalities, coag abnormalities

If none above: consider INOCA, microvascular angina, vasospastic

Coronary circulation – not just epicardial arteries


7/ CorMicA trial – invasive coronary function testing➡️improvement in angina score & QOL

European guidelines:

MINOCA Diagnosis
-AMI criteria
-non-obstructive coronaries on angiography, no stenosis >50%
-no clinically overt specific cause


8/ Important to consider INOCA/MINOCA (MI w/ no obstructive CAD) as syndromes, NOT diagnoses

-Coronary microvascular
-Plaque rupture/erosion
-In-situ thrombosis
-Non-ischemic: stress cardiomyopathy, myocarditis

AHA statement:


9/ Next steps – cardiac MRI to investigate subendocardial ischemia, PET, coronary functional testing, etc

ESC guidelines:…


10/ HARP study – multi modality imaging (OCT + CMR) for diagnosis, underlying etiology found in 85% of women with MINOCA

MINOCA is not benign

Swedeheart cohort:➕effect w/ GDMT (statin, ACE/ARB), trend towards ➕ w/ beta-blocker, neutral effect w/ DAPT


11/ INOCA Summary

🔴Not all IHD is obstructive
🔴Syndrome, not a final diagnosis
🔴Not benign
🔴Diagnosis requires additional investigations, effective risk stratification (functional + anatomical)
🔴For treatment, need further research specific to disease process


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