Gurleen Kaur, MD Profile picture
Cardiology Fellow @BrighamFellows via @BrighamMedRes & @AlbanyMed | Academy APD @CardioNerds

Jul 24, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ #ASPC2021 talk for Honorary Fellowship Award by @NMHheartdoc on New Kind of Prevention – Reducing CV Health Disparities at Community and Individual Level

🧵from session

@ASPCardio @CardioNerds

2/ #ASPC2021
Covid-19 deaths by race and ethnicity in the US:
1 in 555 Black Americans has died

Populations w/ highest disease burden➡️ lowest vaccination rates

3/ Any discussion of prevention shouldn’t start at hypertension, dyslipidemia, but at the root cause of those inequities.

Need to address policy. All policy is health policy.

Stolen breaths…


4/ Physicians must engage with social movements if we want to improve health and address social/structural determinants

⭐️New Prevention⭐️
-Focusing on policy, racism, & changing workforce


5/ Racism – belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to race, especially to distinguish it as inferior or superior to other races…


6/ How should we use race in medicine? #ASPC2021

Race is not proxy for biology. Report actual social determinants of health.…

Thinking fast (with stereotypes) and slow (with cognition) ➡️ inform biases

Need to be aware of our implicit bias.

7/ How do we risk-assess communities? #ASPC2021

Social vulnerability index (SVI) from census
➡️for Chicago SVI map overlays map of areas disproportionately affected by COVID-19.

Also overlays redlining maps.

Policies limit access & there are people that make those policies.

8/ #ASPC2021
⭐️Overcome our bias, check assumptions
⭐️Build antiracist culture
⭐️D&I is about excellence, not representativeness
⭐️Target the pipeline

Poor policy harms community
But people design policy
And people can change policy

9/ Pipeline problem began w/ Flexner Report in 1910

Majority of historically black medical schools closed

Underrepresentation persists

Higher URM faculty➡️association with matriculation of URIM students…


10/ More discussion with Dr. Yancy on @cardionerds here:…


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