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Jul 25, 2021, 7 tweets

Perspective from @DawnButlerBrent: “They’ve been using the pandemic as a screen to hide their authoritarian ways of dealing with our democracy."

“There are powers on the statute book that should make everybody’s eyes water.” - @DawnButlerBrent 2/

“They rely on the rest of us to be honourable and to obey the rules and all the time they are taking the piss behind our backs... Those people in control can be as corrupt as they like and nobody is going to hold them to account.” @DawnButlerBrent 3/

“The irony of this is they’re spending our public money defending the indefensible, so we’re paying for them to defend their lies.” @DawnButlerBrent 4/

We couldn't agree more @DawnButlerBrent 5/

“This government is corrupt and it’s divisive and it’s led by a liar, and the fish rots from the head, and we have a rotten government.” - @DawnButlerBrent 6/

"...and I’m thinking ‘hang on a minute, if I’m reading this information from WHO, from the scientists and I’m gleaning this information, why aren’t you?’... “It’s very clear that they had other plans and other roads to travel.” @DawnButlerBrent END

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