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Jul 25, 2021, 6 tweets

Anti-vaxx group repeatedly screams “Sieg Heil” Nazi salutes at Crossroads Kitchen vegan restaurant in Los Angeles because they are requiring masks and the vaccine or a recent negative covid test.

The man shouting, “we’re going to hurt your bottom line” and “Sieg Heil,” is Jason Lefkowitz, who happens to be a big fan of Dennis Prager.

“If anyone wants to join me, we will ruin their dinner service.”

That morning, Jason Lefkowitz invited a crowd of anti-vaxxers to harass Crossroads Kitchen, likening the restaurant owners to Nazis and calling them “r*tarded.”

This anti-vaxxer said “there’s no such thing” as the Delta variant because “you can’t have a variant unless you’re watching Loki.”

This man is unstable.

“We need to fight back. Get your guns.”

As the crowd cheers, Anti-vaxxer Jason Lefkowitz called for violence against those knocking on doors for the vaccine, and describes potentially using weapons against the US military.

This man is based in Los Angeles and is dangerous.

The day before he led a mob to disrupt Crossroads Kitchen’s dinner service, Jason protested outside the restaurant wearing a Star of David and doing Nazi salutes.

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