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|| तत्त्वमसि || अभ्यासक . संस्कृतम्, मराठी, आङ्ग्लभाषा | नावयति नवगति रत्नाकरे | राजतरङ्गिणी ❤️ My Country just doesn't have a past, It has HISTORY!

Jul 26, 2021, 8 tweets

A thread on King Ashoka of Kashmir, who founded The City Srinagar.
The Shlokas goes like this-
@tiwary02 @VedicWisdom1 @patangaha @panditaAPMCC63 @VisionHistory @DograTishaa @shallakaul

Ashoka, who was the Great Grandson of King Shakuni and the son of King Sachinara's Grand Uncle. Ashoka, a true follower of his duties became the King of Great Land of Kashmir.
Also as in this tweet

The King Ashoka gave all his paap & was influenced by the teachings of Buddha and covered the Areas of Shushkaletra & Vitastatra with many Stupas.
The Vihara Dharmaranya built in Vitastatra area was so high that it's height was not able to be guessed by eyes.

Consisting of 96 lakhs of prosperous homes of people, this Great King Ashoka founded The Prosperous City of Srinagri as containing the Light of Prosperity of Lakshmi.

The Old Vijayesha Shrine and the hall was rebuilt by him with stone replacing the old one.
After that He built Two Temples named Ashokeshwara near Vijayesha.

This is the Legacy of Kashmir.
The Hindu-Buddhist culture of Kashmir ❤️❤️
Now what remained and what changed can be seen through pics.
#KashmirHistory #KingAshokaofKashmir

कवी-कल्हणकृत राजतरंगिणी 🙏

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