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Jul 26, 2021, 6 tweets

Dunno. Seems problematic to me that it is the (proto)CRT that's tearing the town apart rather than the mock slave trade of their Black neighbors. But your mileage may vary.

As rule, I try never to bother picking fights with headlines rather than the substance of the article. But that was ridiculous.

If anyone is trying to teach the White kids to feel ashamed of their whiteness, it's not working very well ... because they are holding slave auctions of their Black peers. FFS.

Ummm. Actual non-racist people generally don't get goaded into becoming pro-slavery-type racists by having to confront and grapple with racism ... in an academic setting.

I'm sorry but if you aren't racist, spending a little time having to recognize that racism exists isn't generally so traumatic that it turns you from a non-racist it a pro-slavery bigot.

When you are wheeling out George Wallace's line that 'anti-racism is the real racism' you really need to ask yourself how non-racist are you, really?

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