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Jul 27, 2021, 5 tweets

Some days back he again woke up from the wrong side of the bed and started ranting about Rafale 😅 I don’t know how this entire lot functions but education really matters you know. This is an old video but well analysed by Nitin Gupta. He’s bang on in exposing the fake narrative.

I remember A.K. Antony had then said that we don’t have the money to buy Rafale’s. If the government doesn’t have reserves what would have they done during this pandemic….it sends shivers up your spine to think about it.

I love their logic, their rantings on stage and at the press conference’s where his flunkie sits with freshly dyed hair, facial and makeup, starts throwing allegations that are blatant lies with greatest of ease and expertise…..

Just note the calculations of this fellow. Does anyone from the family or the party really know what he wants to say, what he really means. Just asking coz after every rant there are people giving clarifications and excuses.

The young leader and eligible bachelor hasn’t reached anywhere in life nor will he ever, there’s nothing to his credit yet but for finishing off the oldest political party in the country.

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