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Jul 27, 2021, 21 tweets

100 Book Recommendation


1)The Power of Now
2)On the Shortness of Life
3)Thinking Fast & Slow
5)48 Laws of Power

7)12 Rules for Life
8)Atomic Habits
9)Deep Work
10)Steve Jobs

11)The Daily Stoic
12)The Obstacle is the way
13)Ego is the enemy
14)Stillness is the key
15)Lives of the stoic

18)The Rational Optimist
19)The Idea Factory
20)The Monk who sold his Ferrari

21)The Richest Man in Babylon
22)Rich Dad Poor Dad
23)The Alchemist
24)The Subtle Art of Not Giving A f
25)Can't Hurt Me

26)Crush It!
27)Money Master the Game
28)The Go Giver
29)Why We sleep
30)Why A students work for c students

31)The Autobiography of A Yogi
32)Leonardo Da Vinci
33)Benjamin Franklin
34)The Innovator's Dilemma
35)Man's Search For Meaning

36)Shoe Dog
37)Built to Last
38)Black Swan
39)Good to Great

41)Who will cry when you die?
44)21st Lessons for 21st century
45)Homo Deus

46)Never Split the difference
47)Zero to One
48)Can't Hurt Me
50)Digital Minimalism

51)High Performance Habits
53)The Power of Habit
54)I Will teach you to be rich
55)The Third Door

56)Surely You're Joking
57)Measure what matters
59)The Everything store
60)Talk like ted

61)Beyond Order
62)Gap selling
63)Way of the wolf
64Everything is fu
65)Raise your game

67)The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
68)A calendar of wisdom
69)The War of art
70)Total Recall

72)Life 3.0
73)The Big Picture
75)The One thing

77)The Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy
78)The Fault in our stars
79)Business as usual
80)Atlas shrugged

81)Fooled by Randomness
82)The Rational Optimist
83)The Dip
84)Who moved my cheese?
85)The Lessons of History

87)A short history of Nearly Everything
88)Tuesdays with morrie
89)The Power of your subconscious Mind
90)Thing Explainer

91)Skin in the game
92)Think Like A Monk
93)The compound effect
94)The four agreement

96)The Black Swann
97)Reality is not what it seems
98)All Marketers are liars
99)How to change your mind
100)Letters from a stoic

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