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Jul 27, 2021, 6 tweets

#NDTVExclusive | "If the government has nothing to do with it, why doesn't it appoint a commission for inquiry?": Senior Congress Leader @PChidambaram_IN on #Pegasus spyware report


#LeftRightCentre | Derek O' Brien (@derekobrienmp), Rajya Sabha MP TMC, Leader, AITC Parliamentary Party (RS) on #MamataBanerjee's visit to Delhi during the #Pegasus snooping row.

#LeftRightCentre | @Pawankhera, Spokesperson Congress on the #Pegasus snooping row.

#LeftRightCentre | Vikas Singh, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court, on West Bengal's probe into the #Pegasus snooping row.

#LeftRightCentre | John Brittas, Rajya Sabha Member, who has filed a writ in Supreme Court on his petition in court seeking a probe into the #Pegasus snooping row.

#LeftRightCentre | Desh Ratan Nigam (@drnigam15), Political Analyst (RSS), on why the Indian government is not outright denying or accepting the use of #Pegasus spyware.

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