Jake Tapper 🦅 Profile picture
Dad; husband; CNN anchor; author of The Outpost, The Hellfire Club, The Devil May Dance, and soon ORIGINAL SIN (May) then RACE AGAINST TERROR (Oct)

Jul 27, 2021, 5 tweets

On this day in 2007, B Troop, 1-91 Cavalry, 173rd Airborne, went to meet with the elders of the village Saret Koleh in Nuristan Province, Afghanistan. They were led by Captain Tom Bostick and his lieutenants. 1/

1LT Dave Roller and his platoon conducted overwatch of the village; here was the view earlier that day. 2/

3/ B troop was ambushed. Bostick was killed.

4/ Also KIA that day was SSG Ryan Fritsche

5/ It was a fierce day of fighting; I described it in detail in @THEOUTPOSTbook if you’re interested. I leave you with what 1LT Roller was thinking as the sun set that night on the Landay Sin River Valley.

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