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Your Front Seat to the Golden Era

Jul 28, 2021, 17 tweets

Where was the weepy testimony from our ruling class elite as our nation's capital burned for months this summer?

My family lived through the Left turning DC into a warzone hellscape.

Here is the mega thread of Democrat violence sanctioned by Nancy Pelosi:

Last June, “mostly peaceful” Democrat rioters set fire to Lafayette Park in front of the White House, chanting “George Floyd”

Rioters set more fires around the White House and attack Secret Service agents protecting the grounds

Why didn't Nancy invite these officers to testify in front of Congress?

White House rioters set fire to public restrooms

Thugs burn the American flag in front of the White House

Rioters set off fire in wooded area across from the White House

Insurrectionists rip steel barricades from riot police in front of the White House.

A mob surrounds Sen. @RandPaul and his wife before attacking the police officer guarding them a year ago

Just changed to this:

Sen. @RandPaul and his wife get chased out of the White House by an angry mob after Trump’s RNC speech

A violent mob targeted a sitting US Senator last year. Where was Nancy?

Rioters try breaking into a DC Gucci store

Rioters break into windows of DC Apple store and completely loot it.

Rioters set car ablaze just a block from the White House

Historic St. John's Church in DC across from the White House is set on fire

Fox News Reports live more than 50 Secret Service officers were injured by a mob of rioters in front of the White House

Another set of DC rioters topple statue of Confederate general Albert Pike

Mob attempts to tear down statue of President Andrew Jackson in front of the White House

These Democrat riots terrorized my family and my neighbors in DC.

Nancy Pelosi and her swamp elites put their stamp of approval on them and did nothing to stop them.

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