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Jul 28, 2021, 5 tweets

Maruti Suzuki's Q1 profit at Rs 440 crore, down 62% quarter-on-quarter. #Q1WithBQ

The pandemic adversely impacted Q1 production and sales, says Maruti Suzuki. #Q1WithBQ

Demand has picked up with opening of lockdown restrictions, says Maruti Suzuki's Shashank Srivastava. #Q1WithBQ

Read: bit.ly/3x6QuyB

Maruti Suzuki has been handling the semi-conductor issue better compared to others due to a wide portfolio, says Maruti Suzuki's Shashank Srivastava. #Q1WithBQ

Read: bit.ly/3x6QuyB

Mid-SUV segment is a week spot for us, says Maruti Suzuki's Shashank Srivastava. #Q1WithBQ

Read: bit.ly/3x6QuyB

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