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Perhaps one day we will meet again as characters in a different story, may we’ll share a lifetime then🦋💫

Jul 28, 2021, 26 tweets

Sushant Singh Rajput's insta post

●● A thread ●●

This deciphering is from my observations and Research, there may be other perspectives for too. Do mention if any.

PC: to owners

Sushant has asked to find one common thing in all of the above!!🧐
So, let me decipher and connect all of these together in below thread.

✅Let's see at each
PS: there are few professional terms, that's why here I have tried to explain it in simple words.

After my research on each of these things it's concluded that the common thing is

"CANCER DISEASE" in humans how it can be cured (Treatment)

See images below for basic info or go to Link:…

1. Fireflies and Mozart's Requiem

*Fireflies: a lightning bug
*Mozart's Requiem: a choral masterpiece which is mysterious one


*Chemical in firefly, Luciferin (which gives out light)

*"Luciferase" is a gene from firefly that can be used for destroying cancer cells in humans. (pic 2)


➡️Mozart's Requiem
*Brief story (pic 1,2) For more Link:…

*Music therapy modulates immune system and can increase the activity of natural killing cells in human body (pic 3)

🔴Bonus: listen to the Mozart's Requiem here if you wish to do so :)
*just read comments down in the comments box, you'll realise the essence of music on our health and mind.


2. Van Gogh's Starry nights and a flock of starlings.

*Starry Nights painting: is famous for it's artist.
*Flock of starlings: A murmuration of starlings is a swooping mass of thousands of birds whirling in the sky above.


➡️Van Gogh's Starry Nights
*it depicts Burkitt Lymphoma; a type of cancer (pic 2)

Pic 3 comparing Starry nights & Burkitt Lymphoma.


➡️Flock of starlings

*Video Link of TEDx Talk: (watch from 5:30 to 8:35 )

*explains how armies of tiny robots could be used in applications ranging from cancer treatment to tackling pollution and coordinating disaster relief efforts.

3. Your heartbeat and sea waves

I found 2 things here;
a. Waves are common in both Electrocardiogram (ECG) of heart & sea waves

b. Heart cancer (no relation to sea waves found)

a. Waves as common

We can see there's a similarity in pattern of wave like structure formed on ECG and in diagram of Sea waves.

Our heart beats at a specific rate same with waves, which are formed due to wind and friction.

b. Heart Cancer

*It is very rare. And during a review of a study on 12,000+ people, only 7 people were found among them with heart cancer (pic 1)

*why no Heart cancer? (Pic 2)

4. The chip in your phone and blood vessels

*chip in phones: brain of your phone
*blood vessels: components of the circulatory system that transport blood, Oxygen, nutrients to the human body (tissues)


➡️blood vessels are cultivated on chip (avoiding animal trials) to regulate human circulatory system and treat cancer/vessel-related diseases.

*blood vessels on chip (pic 1)
*an official paper about human organs-on-chip (video) Link:…

5. Galaxies and cancer

*Galaxy: a huge collection of gas, dust, billions of stars and their solar systems, all held together by gravity.

*Cancer: Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body.


*galaxies keeps on multiplying to form new particle.

*Cancer biomarkers: biomolecules produced either by the tumor cells or by other cells of the body in response to the tumor, used as early detection tool of cancer (NASA)

➡️ Big Bang

Dr. Andrea Sottoriva describes how a comparison between the expanding universe and the growth of cancers led him to formulate his “Big Bang” theory of tumour growth- a model with novel treatment implications.

25 July, 2016…

6. Lungs and coastline

*Lungs: help oxygen from the air we breathe enter the red cells in the blood.
*coastline: a line that forms the boundary between the land and the ocean or a lake.

✅causes of cancer disease


*It has been observed that even non-smokers get lung cancers.

*Reason is second hand-smoking (air pollution, radon gas radiations)


➡️coastline-lung cancer relation

*read about research conducted to check causes of lung cancer in coastal regions(1)

*see map, we can see dark red dots (Darker the color more the cases) It's clearly visible that coastlines are more affected by lung cancer(2)

7. Clouds and Elephants

*cloud here refers to "CLOUDS" movie based on Zach Sobiech, an osteosarcoma warrior.

*Elephants are largest land animal.


➡️CLOUDS Movie

*Movie info Link:

*Osteosarcoma is a type of bone cancer (pic 2)


➡️Elephants & cancer

Link 1:…

*Elephants have evolved to make a non-functioning gene called LIF6 (leukemia inhibitory factor) come back to life which makes them mostly immune to cancer.

*This can be applied to cancer resistance for human cancer biology.

✅Sushant was working on Artificial Intelligence which is evolving rapidly.

✅His interest in space and how NASA is also working on Detecting Cancer cells via machine learning.

✅ how introduction of organs-on-chip is reducing animal trials (exploitation) in the name of testing before using on humans.

✅ second hand smoking (air pollution in coastal areas) and how it is affecting lifes of people living in coastal region causing lung cancer.

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