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Holistic Health Coach ~ Fat Loss | Heart Health | Diabetes | PGD in Holistic Nutrition & Clinical Dietetics - Bombay College of Pharmacy - LSI (2025)

Jul 28, 2021, 14 tweets

Let's talk about the biggest menace of our times - Porn!

And how to get rid of this horrible addiction?

-- A thread --

First things first, there are many people who are addicted to watching porn.

So, if you are addicted to it then don't panic because you aren't the only one.

Let's look at the ill effects of porn and how it destroys your life.

Watching porn can really screw your head up!

- Alone
- Broken
- Hopeless
- Worthless
- Unwanted
- Insignificant
- Incompetent

I know these are horrible words.

But these horrible words turn into horrible feelings as an effect of watching porn.

On the internet, porn is the most addictive thing.

In fact, when you watch it like an addict, it changes your brain, literally.

There are many other risks of watching porn.

Let's discuss them below!

Mood Disorders:

Your emotions are directly related to what you feed your brain and now that your brain has changed due to excessive consumption of porn, how can your emotions be unaffected?!

Porn makes your mood:

- Irritable
- Depressed
- Anxious & fearful
- Gives Mood swings

One of the scariest effects of watching porn is that you start objectifying people sexually. As a result you start

- Looking at children sexually
- Judging people on their body parts
- Engaging in sexually harmful behaviour

Besides the behavioural risks, it also affects people around you like your partner as they

- Start viewing porn as "cheating"
- Start feeling insecure because of porn
- Feel difficulty in connecting emotionally
- Do not feel the emotional closeness that they expect

Besides all, it puts you in a vicious cycle of

- Experiencing guilt
- Loss of personal integrity
- Feeling controlled by porn (Just imagine!!!!)
- Repeated failed efforts to stop this addiction

And the worst of all, it blocks your growth as you start neglecting the areas of your life that truly help you evolve as a person like:

- Career
- Family life
- Personal finances
- Spirituality

So, what's the solution and how to get over this addiction?

First things first, admit it that you are addicted to porn and need some kind of intervention.

1. Get rid of all porn in your laptop:

- Delete that folder
- Block the adult websites
- Throw those adult magazines

2. Engage yourself:

Engage yourself in something that will positively engage you and more importantly do something that builds you a community of people.

This will help you get out of that vicious cycle of going back to watching porn in your free time.

3. Have real people in your life:

If you are a man, have real female friends.

If you are a woman then be friends with men.

This will help you know the reality of opposite sex and will help you avoid objectifying them.

4. Make a Decision:

Once you have decided to quit porn, stand with the decision.

Follow all the points above and keep yourself away from this horrible addiction.

A strong stand is the bedrock of life-changing actions.

So do not budge!

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