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Bret Lynn: "So we'll give the FBI a shot" "So I sat down and put all the...into a document and I'm like 'here you go FBI'"

Jul 28, 2021, 35 tweets

⚠️⚠️ Call to Action ⚠️⚠️

1. On Saturday August 7th the Florida chapter of the League of the South is having their annual conference in Lake City, FL at the Lake City Woman's Club / Lake City Garden Club. It goes by both names for some reason.

Let them know it's not okay!

2. The League of the South is a violent racist hate group. They wish for the south to secede from the United States and for a white ethnostate to cover the whole of the south.


3. The League of the South believes in and created Kinism. Kinism is an apocryphal interpretation of the bible that Michael Hill and the League of the South use to justify their racism.


4. Their dogshit racist conference runs from 8am to 5pm on Saturday August 7th.

As it turns out, anyone can sign up. Would be a shame if they expected too many people. ↙️↙️↙️


5. Their presenters are a collection of terrible racists including League of the South leader Michael Hill and racist pastor John Weaver.

6. Michael Hill has been keeping a bit of a low profile lately, but you might remember that time he burned a Talmud and an Israeli flag while a League member threw up a Nazi salute.


7. You also might remember Michael Hill from that time he and his League of the South members got caught on camera making a propaganda video at the Emmett Till memorial.

8. The Florida chapter of the League of the South is particularly important to the group because it was the largest chapter by a wide margin before the group started disintegrating after the deadly UniteTheRight white supremacist rally in 2017.


9. To the best of my knowledge Michael Tubbs is the leader of the Florida chapter. He's most well known for being the battle commander during the UniteTheRight rally and for being convicted of plotting to blow up synagogues and black churches.


10. Originally their 2021 Florida conference was to be held at the Holiday Inn in Lake City. Holiday Inn apparently decided they didn't want to be affiliated with a violent hate group and backed out.

11. Does the Lake City Woman's Club / Lake City Garden Club wish to be forever associated with a violent hate group? The League of the South does not appear to fit the core values of the Lake City Woman's Club / Lake City Garden Club.

12. Yikes

13. Please contact them and find out if they're willing to take money to provide a venue to a violent hate group.

The League of the South needs to go have their hate group meeting elsewhere.

14. UPDATES: Through an activist connected with locals I have obtained the LOS contract with the Garden Club. Mary Barlow, signing as Mary Phillips, lied to the establishment and said it was a "Republican Conference"

15. Mary Phillips in confirmed as Mary Barlow via her phone number. She has been the one booking previous FL League of the South events. You can read more about her here:

16. Furthermore, the other responsible party listed is AJ Dariano, who is also listed on an organization registered to the address Mary provided.

17. AJ Dariano is here in this photo of an Identity Dixie event. He's back row, second from the right. 😊

Also in the photo: Anthony Kenny, Patrick Bishop, Tyler Thompson, Jim O'Brien, Steven Urciolo, and Ryan Tuggle.

18. David Duke and Brad Griffin are speaking at their next event. Will they also call that a "Republican Conference"?

19. Get fucked. You're white supremacists larping as "right wingers". We're posting your shit to protect our communities.

We'll post what we want. Cry more.



22. On Friday the League of the South Facebook page posted an update for their August 7th event.

23. This raised some eyebrows, because the address on the new graphic was the same as the Women's Club that canceled hosting the event.

24. This ran completely counter to what the President of the Garden Club /Women's Club said less than 48 hours before.

25. On Friday the Women's Club / Garden Club Facebook page deactivated, which was another red flag that something was amiss.

What happened?

26. Later that day the same League of the South page posted another update, with 2 screenshots. This is where things get wild.

27. Let's look at the second screenshot first. It appears to be a text from a Fred Kober[something] that the event is still a go.

28. It appears that the text is from a local Lake City attorney named Fred Koberlein.

The most likely recipient is Mary Phillips/Barlow, who was the person who rented the venue for the League of the South.

29. The first image is an email from Lake City Mayor Stephen Witt to City Clerk Audrey Sikes. I don't fully understand the context of the email to be honest. What does appear relatively clear is that it's in relation to the lease at the Women's Club.

30. The Garden Club / Women's Club leases the property from the city, so the city of Lake City is either in control or at least has a lot of leverage. Especially if the Mayor is of the 5 term variety, like Stephen Witt.

31. Stephen Witt is most well known for allegedly drunkenly putting his vehicle in drive, getting out, then allowing it to drive 60 feet into a lake.


32. To summarize: It appears that longtime local attorney Fred Koberlein pressured Mayor Stephen Witt, who then got the Women's Club/ Garden Club, by pressure or edict, to hold the event.

This is the "good ole boys" network in action. This is the south.

33. Monday, we need calls and emails to Lake City, FL Mayor Stephen Witt to ask why when the buck stopped with him that meant a white supremacist hate group was welcomed to Lake City.

35. UPDATE: On, Off, On again, Off again. Currently it appears the League of the South will not be holding their August 7th event at the Lake City Woman's Club / Garden Club.

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