Dr Musa Nordin Profile picture
Consultant Pediatrician

Jul 29, 2021, 8 tweets

This is more fun than cows in condominium.
The parliament is convulsing in pandemonium.
The speaker is behaving like foetid meconium.
His spine needs fixing with rods of titanium.

Sidang Parlimen sudah dicuri
PM dan Speaker dah cabut lari
DiJepun kalau Raja diingkari
Kabinet semua wajib harakiri

This is truly a historical moment
Actually it’s such an embarrassment
Kesian! DSAI  & PH are locked in parliament
PM takut he take over government :)

MP dan Rakyat semua giler pening
Tiba2 DG sibuk nak buat testing
Macamlah takleh buat later in the evening
Kan parlimen tengah ada kritikal meeting

You tengok tak DG buat testing?
1200 MP & pekerja berpusu2 queuing
SOP langsung DG tak observing
Pastilah virus will be spreading

Virus Delta sure happy membiak-ing
Seminggu lagi ahli Parlimen sure clustering
Kalau DG staggerkan testing
Sudah pasti tak kan berlaku overcrowding

Rasakan MP nasib rakyat yang depressing!
Beratur macam lembu dipusat testing
Di sumbat diMAEPS macam sardin isolating
Katil diICU tak cukup untuk ventilating

Speaker mesti adil jaga parlimen proceeding.
DG mesti ikut KKM SOP bila testing.
PM mesti jawab soalan parlimen bukan disappearing.
Kalau takleh kindly lah consider resigning.

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