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Jul 29, 2021, 8 tweets

49ers player Nick Bosa’s girlfriend is an antivaxxer.

Nick Bosa says he’s still “evaluating” if he will get the Covid vaccine or not and is following the NFL protocols.

Nick Bosa’s dad, John Bosa, a former NFL player himself, is an antivaxxer who tweeted Fauci is a “f***ing asshole who ruined people’s lives.”

John has tremendous influence over his sons. Yes, both Twitter accounts are his.

John Bosa, the father of 49ers player Nick Bosa, doesn’t believe Joe Biden is the President.

John Bosa, Nick Bosa’s dad posted a *get over it* anti-reparation themed message aimed at the Black Lives Matter movement.

Nick Bosa’s dad also liked stories of his son’s girlfriend attacking Gwen Berry for protesting during the national anthem.

Here is the tweet showing the IG story post from Nick Bosa’s girlfriend attacking Gwen Berry.

Here is a thread on John Bosa. John reposted an awful video mocking those protesting the murder of Trayvon Martin.

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