MISI: Solidariti Profile picture
A youth-led collective aspiring to empower society through the value of direct action in Malaysian activism.

Jul 30, 2021, 10 tweets


🚨 To ensure the protestors are safe this weekend - make sure you're prepared and follow these guidelines for the event.

Share it out! #KeluarDanLawan


Untuk memastikan keselamatan para hadirin #KeluarDanLawan, sila pastikan anda semua membaca panduan yang disediakan.


3/ Whether you're protesting in person or online, it's extremely important to know your rights when it comes to the police.

Please keep yourself and others informed. Below will direct you to a PDF in Eng and BM about this.


4/ If you want to read about #Lawan and ALL the guidelines for the protest on 31st July 2021, below is the link to SSR's carrd site.

It has everything you need to know to be prepared for #Lawan tomorrow!


5/ If you wish to further support the #Lawan movement, you can do so by donating to help keep our protestors safe.

Bank details:

Persatuan Pengundi Muda
8603878996 CIMB
Reference #Lawan

6/ Here are more guidelines for you to follow if you are attending the #Lawan protest tomorrow!

Important to take extra precautions to keep yourself safe from Covid-19. Also, please keep a lookout for the marshalls during the protest!

7/ #Lawan In the event of tear gas or pepper spray, here are some important things to note:

8/ Please look out for one another!

If someone seems to be having trouble, don't be shy to extend your help to them. We're all in this together, so let's make sure that we're all safe tomorrow. #Lawan

9/ Lastly! If you are unable to attend #Lawan tomorrow, then #Lawan online.

Social media is a very poweful tool, we've seen it worked before and it can work again.

Lend your support and solidarity to our friends who will be protesting on the streets tomorrow.

Let's #Lawan!

We were notified that the BM version of the Marshall slide was not uploaded.

Our apologies for this and here's the BM version!

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