Élie Michel 🍪 Profile picture
Research Scientist at @AdobeResearch. PhD in Computer Graphics. Dev of #OpenMfx and Learn #WebGPU C++. Opinions are my own. ⏩ https://t.co/lDVZsdOOuw

Jul 30, 2021, 7 tweets

The #WaveFunctionCollapse algorithm by @ExUtumno has got really trendy in #ProcGen and game dev communities, but it wasn't the first of its kind!
It was highly based on Paul Merrell's work published almost 10 years earlier.⬇️

First of all, Gumin's #WFC and Merrell's #ModelSynthesis give very similar results when they use the same tile set.

But WFC is more often "stuck" and forced to restart, so it takes much longer on large grids. Merrell's approach is more naive but in the end it does not make a visible difference.

@ExUtumno's main contribution over existing work was actually the overlap mode (see )
But so when @OskSta uses WFC, w/o overlap, it's actually closer to #ModelSynthesis!

Nota Bene: afaik OskSta added a #backtracking method to the original WFC, in order to avoid restarting from sratch when WFC gets stuck, mitigating the performance issue.

A part of Merrell's algorithm that got lost in the story is a per-block generation, to minimize further the risk of deadlocks. A similar approach is used by [Bian18] hal.inria.fr/hal-01811874/d…

📚More info on Merrell's comparison page! code, video, etc: paulmerrell.org/model-synthesi… (I bet he got a bit furstrated to see his PhD rebranded under another name😬)

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