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Barrister @DoughtyStreet. Chair @EachOtherUK. Visiting Prof @GoldsmithsUoL. Author #EmergencyState. Views my own not of Doughty Street Chambers.

Jul 30, 2021, 7 tweets

🚨As expected, changes to travel regulations from Monday to allow EU & US vaccinated Amber List travellers to avoid quarantine

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) (Amendment) (No. 7) Regulations 2021…

Helpful explanatory memorandum…

This is what proof of vaccination you need to qualify for the exemption from Amber List self-isolation

Also applies to vaccinations given in Switzerland

New duties on travel operators to ensure that people have proof that they are exempt from requirements for self-isolation or hotel quarantine - big new administrative burden

Some pretty complex changes to the testing requirements to make them stricter I think.

"This instrument also makes a number of amendments that relate to testing to improve data accuracy, test result reporting and to require day 8 tests to be genome sequenced."

Covid resources table updated…

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