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Jul 31, 2021, 9 tweets

Rekomendasi Madu Yang Bagus Untuk Kesehatan dan Bisa Juga Untuk Menaikan Imun💢💢

⬇️A Thread⬇️

1.Madu Murni Randu Granova Pure Hone 600gr

🏷Harga: Rp 53.500
🖇Link: shp.ee/usrnd5v

2.Madu Murni Asli - Hello Honey 1kg Natural Raw Honey

🏷Harga: Rp 95.000
🖇Link: shp.ee/s875z4d

3.Madu Hutan Kalimantan Gholiban 1kg

🏷Harga: Rp 40.000
🖇Link: shp.ee/rxxytsd

4.Quick Fresh Honey 500gr + 100gr (Paket Bundling)

🏷Harga: Rp 55.000
🖇Link: shp.ee/bnv4vg5

5.Obat Herbal Sesak Nafas Madu Pulmofit

🏷Harga: Rp 185.000
🖇Link: shp.ee/tabqbfm

6.Madu Al Shifa 125gr

🏷Harga: Rp 34.295
🖇Link: shp.ee/upzm2fm

7.Madu Uray 330ml

🏷Harga: Rp 88.000
🖇Link: shp.ee/iua3b3m

8.Wilsen Tresno Joyo Madu Tj Murni 500gr

🏷Harga: Rp 42.889
🖇Link: shp.ee/b5rm5iv

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