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#JAEMIN: it's now or never!! | for #EXO and #NCT | moved to another au acc.

Jul 31, 2021, 33 tweets

#mahae: where the sun meets the sea

- idea suggested by @jensoaperpogi
- 22-part tweets
- very fast-paced !
- purely fictional !!!

- 🌅: malupitang preview siguro 'to -

🌅: here it goes!












"now we all fall for the bad ones
they'll just break us cause we're so young, dumb, and vulnerable
young and vulnerable"…


- 🥂: here's a toast to the boy that just broke my heart -

🌅: what took you so long?







"contentedness for happiness
and loneliness for love"

🌅: baybayin.

- 💔: it's like this heart that's been broken so close to screaming
was ripped from my chest and i can't stop the bleeding -

🌅: behind mark's username


- 🌅: i know it's not the end... it's only just the beginning. -

(bulong daw ng sunset 😂)

extra :)

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