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Jul 31, 2021, 11 tweets

Rekomendasi Buku Self Improvement🌟🌟

⬇️A Thread⬇️

1.Buku Self Improvement 75k= 2pcs

🏷Harga: Rp 37.500
🖇Link: shp.ee/f9smamd

2.Buku Siapa Aku? Apa Bakatku?

🏷Harga: Rp 24.500
🖇Link: shp.ee/cb3926m

3.Buku Self Improvement

🏷Harga: Rp 23.954 - Rp 30.096
🖇Link: shp.ee/xiyqzbd

4.Buku Motivasi & Inspirasi Rahasia Bersikap Tenang Dalam Kondisi Apapun

🏷Harga: Rp 30.100
🖇Link: shp.ee/wsuzjnh

5.Buku Tokoh : Albert Einsten,Percik - Percik Inspirasi & Motivasi

🏷Harga: Rp 24.570
🖇Link: shp.ee/yzbuxfv

6.Buku Motivasi Islam

🏷Harga: Rp 41.400 - Rp 96.600
🖇Link: shp.ee/7x85m7v

7.Buku Motivasi : 11 Ritual Tetap Aktif dan Produktif

🏷Harga: Rp 24.570
🖇Link: shp.ee/f95r6p9

8.Buku Motivasi Move On Your Habbit

🏷Harga: Rp 22.500
🖇Link: shp.ee/xt4m9kr

9.Buku Life Is So Simple

🏷Harga: Rp 30.380
🖇Link: shp.ee/785mecr

10.Buku Bisnis Ala Milenial

🏷Harga: Rp 29.890
🖇Link: shp.ee/5xqxz5h

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