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Aug 1, 2021, 7 tweets

🎥: Update on that Coca-Cola boycott from today’s meeting at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster.

Some are trying to identify who was at this meeting that took place yesterday.

The video titled, “Creating the Plan to Win: Behind the Scenes,” was posted by Madison Cawthorn.

One man is discussing “half a million dollar salaries for four years” and being “a special group.”

On the right, this is Cristina Cawthorn, wife of Madison.

Also tagged in the video is Rogan O’Handley, (aka DC Draino, yes, he chose that nickname himself) a MAGA social media influencer.

Rogan said it was his first time to meet Trump after spending 6 years of posting MAGA content on social media.

Looks like no expense was spared to welcome the group…

Also there was TPUSA employee Anna Scott Marsh.

Some of these other photos show people present, at Bedminster, unsure if they were in the actual meeting.

This is Sunny Aggarwal, chairman of the Greater Orlando Young Republicans.

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