Hanna Liubakova Profile picture
Journalist from Belarus. Non-resident fellow @AtlanticCouncil. @OneYoungWorld Journalist of the Year. Formerly @RFERL, @Belsat_TV. 2019 @worldpressinst fellow.

Aug 1, 2021, 6 tweets

#Belarus It’s been reported that Kryscina Tsimanouskaya, who publicly criticized the regime and sports officials, is being sent from Tokyo back to Belarus. Apparently, representatives of the Belarusian national team took her to the airport. It looks like kidnapping

Tsimanouskaya was accompanied to the airport by two members of the Belarusian sports delegation. She is now with the police and volunteers. When asked if she was afraid to fly to #Belarus, Tsimanouskaya answered "yes".

Tsimanouskaya was accompanied to the airport by two people: a psychologist and Vasil Yurchuk, a representative of the NOC. She was told she needs to be eliminated from the Olympics and return home. Witnesses say she didn’t fly to Turkey from Tokyo and is still at a police depart.

A conversation between #Tsimanouskaya, Yuri Maisevich, the head coach of the national team and another member of the delegation, was leaked. She was brought to tears by their threats.Also, the conversation proves that she was not forced to leave the Olympics because of any trauma

Representatives of the International Olympic Committee spoke with Kryscina Tsimanouskaya. She was taken to a safe location and now feels safe. She said she might apply for asylum. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czechia offered her assistance immediately

#Belarus Reportedly, Kryscina Tsimanouskaya applied for political asylum in Poland. It is great to hear that she is holding up well. She is already in contact with the International Olympic Committee and the press.

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