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Marketer|Loving Tete|GGMU ❤️|@ZwitterChoice

Aug 1, 2021, 25 tweets

Welcome to the fifth episode of confession & testimony Sundays ndays, l will be posting confessions & testimonies in this thread P. S 🔞. If you would like to send a confession or testimony kindly use the link below 👇secret.viralsachxd.com/ca58c65af

Confession #1

Confession #2

Confession #3

Confession #4

Confession #5

Confession #6

Confession #7

Confession #8

Testimony #9

Testimony # 2

Confession #10

Confession #11

Confession #12

Confession #14

There is no easy way of breaking up with someone, so just do you best to end things in the best way possible. It's not fair to continue leading her own when you know that you have no intentions of marrying. Break up with her and set both of you free, all the best ❤️

Confession # 15

Confession #16

Be your brother's keeper be honest with you, tell him about the reservations you have concerning his girlfriend. Just b'coz they have history together doesn't mean that they are meant to be, there are plenty of good women out there amboshaye mumwe.

Confession #17

Right now it probably feels like you can't live her with her, but trust me can and you will. Allow yourself to feel the emotions of the breakuo, talk to someone let it all out. Zvinorwadza but it will get better with time, I'm here if you need someone, hugs and kisses 😘❤️

I'm really sorry 😔❤️

Confession #18

My apologies for cutting today's episode short, I was having challenges with my network due to a power cut. Catch you all next week same time ❤️

I hope you enjoyed last night's episode while you are here kindly check out the the flyer below 👇

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