DezNat Exposed - Deseret Anti-Fascist Action Profile picture
Exposing Racism and Bigotry Among the Mormons Extremism Research Account Send tips anonymously to: exposedeznat at riseup dot net

Aug 1, 2021, 22 tweets

Happy Sabbath to everyone except DezNat Kevin Michael Dolan aka @/extradeadjcb, 35, of Culpeper, VA. Kevin is a vile racist, antisemite, misogynist & hateful bigot

Bold for someone w an active U.S. Security Clearance as a Senior Data Scientist at @BoozAllen



Racism, misogyny, queerphobia, antisemitism, references to violence. As disturbing as this content is, it's important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than simply describing it.

For your reading displeasure we have also published a detailed article documenting Deseret Nationalist / DezNat Kevin Dolan's hate:…

Kevin has been living dual lives--One in the light and one in the shadows.

The stated purpose of Deseret nationalism is to create a Mormon, or Deseretian, ethnostate ruled by a theodemocracy. Essentially, Mormon fascism.

Learn more about Deseret nationalism / DezNat by reading our guide:

“You’re going to be doxxed. Probably should have nuked your account…” – Kevin Michael Dolan

A major influence in Kevin Dolan’s ideology is white nationalist Charles Murray. Murray promotes racist pseudoscience & uses deceptive stats to argue inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black & Latino communities, women, and the poor:…

Dolan repeats these long-discredited theories and presents them as fact or as information worth further exploration. Dolan also recommends literature authored by Murray to his followers.

Kevin Dolan also shares content from influencers w/in the online white supremacist & extreme far-right corners of the internet, as well as the manosphere. Dolan has shared content from white supremacist Jack Posobeic, alt-right figure Mike Cernovich, & Bronze Age Pervert.

This DezNat was even featured on the far-right propaganda show Tucker Carlson Tonight.

When DezNat Kevin Dolan's @/jcbonthedl Twitter account was suspended racist bigot Matthew Ryan McInnes, who goes by the pen name Ryan Landry at @/NewAtlantisSun, cried big tears.

Currently, Kevin is evading the suspension as @/extradeadjcb

About McInnis:

DezNat Kevin Dolan flirted with racist beliefs long before he created the Bennett personality. His @Ch_JesusChrist mission in Memphis, TN seems to be a springboard for his negative views on minorities which he writes about on his old blog. Read more:…

CW: racism, sexual assualt

DezNat Kevin Dolan is a vile racist. He uses his religious beliefs to justify racism. He's referenced the sexual assault of Native Americans. This is particularly concerning considering he says his wife is a minority.

CW: antisemitism

Dolan uses a mixture of antisemitic conspiracy theories (e.g. “Elite Satanic Conspiracy”) combined with his religious beliefs. He also has stereotyped views about Jews. He uses his Mormon religious beliefs to support antisemitism.

CW: homophobia, slurs

DezNat Kevin Dolan is also a massive homophobe that uses offensive slurs and spreads false ideas about gay people.

CW: sexism, antifeminism, misogyny

Considering his track record, it should come as no surprise that Kevin Dolan is also sexist, antifeminist, and misogynist.

CW: harassment

Kevin Dolan has also participated in the online harassment of journalists w @SLTrib, @DeseretNews, & @TheAtlantic w other Deseret Nationalists / DezNats. Kevin views journalists as the enemy. He has even alleged that "antifa" (lol) has editorial control.

Identifying Kevin Dolan was straightforward. His suspended Twitter was JCBontheDL, previously KMDontheUH. KMDontheUH display name was "Kevin Dolan." JCBontheDL promoted his blog Old Lamps for New which led us to the archived site revealing many details about his personal life.

Recently Kevin Dolan moved to Culpeper, VA for a "big promotion."

He is employed as a Senior Data Scientist at @BoozAllen & holds an active U.S. security clearance.

Kevin Dolan spends his time online harassing minorities, women, & journalists, & posts violent racist, antisemitic, homophobic, misogynistic, & hateful speech.

@BoozAllen says they are "committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion...both inside Booz Allen and beyond."

Help @BoozAllen do the right thing.

⚠️Call their Ethics Helpline 800-501-8755 or email: & let them know their employee Kevin Dolan is harassing minorities, women and journalists & posting violent racist, antisemitic, homophobic, misogynistic, & hate speech online

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