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#FPLdoc also a Minimal Invasive Gynae Surgeon, full time human, part time livetwit curator

Aug 2, 2021, 6 tweets

by Low Kah Pin

The most famous rebut/replies from my friends are "his hands are tied"

And my usual reply is "tied by what? Please send photo. Evidence-based medicine"

Tied by what?
Tied by selfish reasons or selfless ones?

In civil service, the responsibility is towards the public and remaining apolitical is of utmost importance.

Government of the day is just the caretaker government which commands the majority, or the PRESUMED majority.

Here's 5 Questions for MOH/DG:

1 Based on which scientific basis was the premise "presumed delta" made?

2 Delta virus is long here already and usually shd be suspected in high positivitys Why test and presume delta in a low positivity area ie Parliament instead of factories?

3 The samples were received on 1st Aug but the letter to postpone Parliament was issued on 31st July which was largely based on Saliva RTK Antigen tests. How does RTK Ag test detect delta covid?

4 Why the fb announcement in English denotes "Today we received the samples" but the fb announcement in Bahasa Melayu generously omitted this fact? (PELIK KAN?)

5 99% Parliament vaccinated, that's herd immunity. Vaccines protect against severe disease even in delta covid.Why are alot of places with delta covid & not 99% vaccinated remains open?
Do our country remain closed with national herd immunity achieved if delta covid still around?

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