Aveek Sen Ballalzai Profile picture
Computational journalist using ML, #NLProc for disinformation research @hateSWATteam Past: Af-Pak, Iran, Cyber Electronics grad.

Aug 2, 2021, 9 tweets

BJP trolls are mass reporting accounts & hashtags of activists.

@TwitterIndia algorithm doesn't understand Malayalam, Tamil & mass reporting seems to trigger suspension automatically.

Probably why huge volume # of Mizos protesting Assam blockade didn't trend?


Saw same happen on people tweeting on Lakshadweep. Accounts were suspended as BJP trolls mass reported accounts with open threats

Isn't this muzzling of free speech through different means? @apar1984

BJP IT cell is mass reporting hashtags this way??

BJP IT cell directing troll armies to report me. Report this tweet for targeted harassment.

Steps in pics attached:
1. Abusive/harmful
2. Targeted harassment
3. Someone else

BJP IT cell directing troll armies to report me. Report this tweet for targeted harassment.

Steps in pics attached:
1. Abusive/harmful
2. Targeted harassment
3. Someone else

Added step in this tweet

The BJP troll @Arakkal_unnii targeting me by mass reporting is followed by BJP UP MLA @Bambalal_BJP,BJP National Executive Member @SobhaBJP,official @KeralaABVP,BJP National Vice President @a_abdullakutty,@msunilbishnoi,@AgentSaffron

Complete list: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…

One BJP troll suspended

Account of BJP troll @Piyu_Nair locked by Twitter

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