THEE Glory Profile picture
Architect & political junkie in search of truth, justice,equality & the cool side of the pillow.

Aug 2, 2021, 15 tweets

There has been an organized campaign against @VP Harris since the day she took office
It’s intention is to create the false narrative that she is unpopular & unqualified with the goal of ruining any future political aspirations she may have because in truth ~they fear her.

Why do I say “ they” fear her?
One does not waste time, effort & money to discredit someone not seen as a threat.
Anyone who has been paying attention is aware of these coordinated attacks.
She is literally criticized for breathing....

What have we had?
Unnamed sources making accusations that when dissected amount to little more than having a favorite pen.
*Hit piece articles
*Raciest, sexist attacks by both GOP House & Senate members & Right Wing Media
*False accusations about the Nina Simone situation.

Efforts to discredit her work on migration by falsely claiming she’s the “ Border Czar
*Fake Polls claiming shes unpopular
Criticizing her past achievements &calling her unqualified
Bots calling her unlikeable
It’s become a daily occurrence all designed to play with your mind

Tell me when has a Vice President been so scrutinized & attacked?
The answer is never~ but now we have a woman who happens to be black / Asian woman in the job & the knives are truly flying.
It’s obviously more than these old guys can handle.

We all knew the first woman to break that glass ceiling was going to be ambushed by insecure men who feel threatened. So they desperately use sexism to downplay her achievements & try to push her out of the way.

Racism is real
Sexism is real
Misogyny is real
@VP has experienced it her entire career~ and now as she paves the way for others~ all women &secure men who support women ~should be paying attention and supporting our pioneer.

Sorry, but you don’t get to be
District Attorney
Attorney General
US Senator
Vice President
Without having political instincts or being unqualified.
Maybe in the white mans world that’s true for them~but not for a black woman.
That argument just doesn’t fly.

And to end this tale ~ I just want to add~ that all the efforts to undermine Vice President Harris ...( from the Right or the Left; sore loser committee )
...only makes me support her more.
They did it to Hillary ~ we can’t let them get away with it again.

We have had an unnamed source who claimed her staff does not get along
Attacks on her COS for simply doing her job.
When2 Advance Team members ( who were in temp positions) left ~ they twisted that to make it look like staff were unhappy.
Reality: Diverse staff is doing great

One of my favorite bogus attacks on @VP Harris was a claim made by an unnamed ex staffer who said “Kamala got “frustrated”one day when she needed this staffer & they couldn’t be located.”
You find me one “boss” who would not be frustrated by their employee being MIA when needed.

Let’s just say the quiet part out loud
In America in 2021 a Black woman finally got a seat at the table.
1st she put together a diverse staff and now she’s inviting more black folks to that table.
This is unforgivable in some people’s minds & why they try so hard to stop her.

And let’s speak truth
There are many people literally losing their shit that a black woman could be the first female president.
Still butt hurt she’s VP
It’s why the media continues to try to make Elizabeth Warren a thing & why she gets such glowing press & Kamala gets attacked

Case in point.
This story about Elizabeth Warren was quickly swept under the rug~ but Kamala Harris a favorite pen and an ex staffer was stressed & disgruntled marches on to infinity

Let’s talk about polls because that’s the source of the latest attack
Whoever hires the pollster& pays for the poll tells the pollster the results they are looking for.
Pollsters then target certain demographics to achieve that result.
If you think polls are unbiased~ think again

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